illustration for Manage UI State with the Angular Router

Manage UI State with the Angular Router


John Lindquist
31m closed-captioning
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Angular's router comes with many features for routing based on path's and loading specific components. This course gives you an intro to how to configure your routes, navigate between them, and use services and guards when navigating to routes.

This Angular course assumes knowledge of some fundamentals. We have an Angular course that will Get you started

Learner Reviews

  • Eggson
    5 years ago
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    How will you use what you learned from this course?

    It is nice and informative but a bit out of date.

  • Greg
    6 years ago
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    What did you like about this course?

    I enjoy how simple the instructor makes the content. Also it's broken up in such a way to easily refer back to content when necessary.

  • chat-du-cheshire
    6 years ago
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    What would make this course a 7 for you?

    Nice cource! It would be better if it considered resolving data for route redirect

    7 years ago
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    How would you describe this course to a coworker?

    no lesson on how to pass state when changing routes... a guess would be that I could use a service, but it would be good to know best practices

  • Alvaro Camillo Neto
    7 years ago
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    It is a good fast course, but i missed thing likes guards

  • Noyan
    7 years ago
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    That one summarize angular router and also talk about some of the advance topics maybe adding resolvers to that one could be more helpful but other than that it was ok and easy to understand

Course Content

31m • 11 lessons

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