Course Overview: Reactive State Management in Angular with ngrx

Lukas Ruebbelke
InstructorLukas Ruebbelke

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State management is one of the most challenging aspects of building any non-trivial application regardless of the framework. Most developers do a pretty good job of achieving significant functionality through stateful services in an Angular application but find that things get really complicated really fast. In this course, we are going to learn how to convert an Angular application using stateful services to using ngrx for state management. Through this process, we will learn how to set up the ngrx store for a feature, build out the reducer, use typesafe actions, manage collections with ngrx entity, query our state with selectors, use effects for async operations, level up our HTTP calls with NRWL Data Persistence, handle relational data with selectors and hide ngrx implementations details with the facade pattern.

Oscar Lagatta
Oscar Lagatta
~ 6 years ago

Hi Lukas, thank you very much for the course it's great. Wanted to ask if you will add Unit tests to this course and a bit more of NX ? Also when you are adding comment blocks, is that a plugin ?


Lukas Ruebbelke
Lukas Ruebbelkeinstructor
~ 6 years ago

Thanks, Oscar! And yes... I intend to add some testing videos soon. Stay tuned! As for the comment blocks, I use live templates for most of my auto-expansion stuff. Occasionally, I put some shortcuts into a text expander (Typinator in my case) so I can use them across programs. Hope that helps!