Start a Nuxt Project with npx and the Vue.js CLI

John Lindquist
InstructorJohn Lindquist

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The initial setup of a Nuxt project is pretty straight-forward, but as with any project you’ll want to make a few tweaks of your own to get started. This lesson walks through the setup process and a few minor adjustments to get the News app on the right track.

Stanley Festus
Stanley Festus
~ 7 years ago

C:"Program Files"\nodejs\node.exe C:\Program Files\nodejs\node_modules\npm\bin\npm-cli.js config get cache --parseable

I happen to receive such error message when I 'npx vue-cli nuxt-community/starter-template my-project' even though I have npx installed globally and -v 9.2.1

Eleonora Lester
Eleonora Lester
~ 6 years ago

What's the point of deleting the ESLint config?? Not cool

~ 5 years ago

Why always the obsession with a starter template? Adding additional boilerplate code from the outset ruins the learning experience, and is lazy if the context is to learn something new from scratch.