1. 3
    Create Pages from JSON With Images
    6m 47s

Create Pages from JSON With Images

Jason Lengstorf
InstructorJason Lengstorf

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Why does Gatsby use GraphQL? This is part 3 of a 4-part series that shows how to create pages in Gatsby, how data becomes hard to manage over time, and how GraphQL helps limit the complexity of data management.

In this video, you’ll create product pages from a JSON file and add images to the pages. This video starts to show the complexity of managing complex data.

Ian VanSchooten
Ian VanSchooten
~ 6 years ago

I can't find part 4, does it exist?

Jason Lengstorf
Jason Lengstorfinstructor
~ 6 years ago

@ian I think you may have caught this series mid-publish — part 4 is live now! The full series is here: https://egghead.io/playlists/why-gatsby-uses-graphql-1c319a1c

Ian VanSchooten
Ian VanSchooten
~ 6 years ago

Hooray! Thanks, great series. 👍