Animate a React Native Information Callout View

Jason Brown
InstructorJason Brown

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In this lesson we'll create a tap to show more information animation card. This is a great technique for exposing minimal information and then revealing more information if a user needs it. We'll use Animated.timing and rely heavily on interpolate to coordinating the sliding of the card, and scaling image animations. Finally we will need to disablethe ScrollView to allow for our gestures to work correctly.

~ 7 years ago

imho these lessons aren't structured well for understanding. More than building up an understanding, it seems to me the author is reading aloud a commit from top to bottom.

Bernice Anne W. Chua
Bernice Anne W. Chua
~ 7 years ago

I agree with @Rasmus. This flow and progression of this lesson is so far from intuitive it's painful

Varun Nath
Varun Nath
~ 7 years ago

completely agree with @Rasmus. Why is the author in such a hurry?